
team management

Boost Team Performance

Case Manager can help you keep track and manage team tasks and performance.

Everything you need to get the most out of your contact center team...

Run Case Manager in the cloud!

You can now deploy Case Manager on Azure Virtual Desktop or Windows 365 with our new cloud optimized features in Case Manager 6 and later.

Team dashboard

The team dashboard makes it easy for users and supervisors to monitor and improve team performance.

Create teams with users

The user management section makes it easy to create teams with users and supervisors.

Manage user and team security roles

The user security roles allows system administrators to enable or disable features per user type. The new security roles feature in CM 6 makes it easy to manage security for large groups of users.

Assign Security Roles to Users

Once security roles have been created it takes very little time to assign them to individual users.

User and team activity diary

The diary shows due activities per user and team and helps users complete these activities.

Bulk assignment of case ownership

The bulk action utility allows system administrators to bulk assign cases to individual team members. The feature has a load balance option where cases can be equally distributed.

Automatically balance user workloads

User workloads can automatically be balanced out during assignment based on volume of accounts or overall balance of accounts.

Monitor and enhance time spent by individual agents.

The time server meticulously measures and reports agent time worked per case and on non-case work.

Quickly create campaign queues

System administrators and supervisors can easily drive activity through queues and campaigns.

Reach out to us if you have questions...